
  • Culture is the pattern of the historical and social processes, the holders of what viewers throughout the world recognize and appreciate in their everyday lives. Society reflects who we are and how we live; it encapsulates a society’s total or collective cultural identity.
    The Power of Tradition
    Traditional culture is where people’s way of life is based on past practices that may be still prevalent in the present society. Historical and contemporary practices are an important determinant of people’s everyday practices, and tradition is invariably a central link in the chain that unites the past, present, and future.
    The Beauty of Diversity
    Culture is also diversity by which people embrace the difference harbored by individual as well as group and festivities and cultural differences harmonize to form cultural synthesis. Starting from the languages identified with various nations of the world and the types of food that people from different cultures eat to the sort of art and music they produce, culture is proof that despite the differences that exist in this world, people are one and equal.
    The Importance of Community
    Culture is a group phenomenon by which people get to acquire various forms of knowledge that are useful within their community, environment and society. Culture is most simply defined as how people live together, and through whatever family, community or global civilization, it is a unifying element, which indeed gives meaning to life.
    The Evolution of Culture
    Culture is dynamic in nature and goes through dynamic changes based on the different phase that it undergoes in any society. From technological advancements and liberalization to the changes in social demography and cultural practices, culture as a phenomenon is indeed fluid and constantly evolving.
    Overall, culture is a complex and evolving influence that controls our perception of existence and identity. In one way or another, culture is a manifestation of being a community, of being diverse, of being traditional and or even of evolving, and it is here where culture shows the best of humanity despite the hardships of life.